the striped one and the one with astronauts are the bags that peter alexander pyjamas come in (god knows why - they're such a tight fit that once you get those jimjams out, you ain't never going to fit them back in). luckily, my housemate has a bit of a pyjama fetish, and buys a couple of pairs per season, meaning i reap the incidental rewards of bright knitting bags. the kansas seal flour bag i got in a swap, and i love it very much. it's the perfect size for socks. pity i don't knit them.
all have pins on them, that some lovely craftster sent me for suggesting slogans for knitting related pins, and each matches its own bag (that's a big coincidence)! there is 'i'd rather be knitting'; 'knit in public' and 'just one more row'.
the only bag not shown is tangled up with anatolia. it's a larger black cotton tote bag, free from Vintage Publishers, to celebrate the reprint of the Peter Carey backlist. it has a stylised naked redheaded woman and the titles of all his books on. quite the loveliest free bag from a publisher i have received.
hello :) It's klement from craftster + vogue :) Just popping by to say hello ! I am still lusting over that Jordana Paige bag after I saw another knitter using it.. but I too think totes or ziplock bags are sufficient. I usually just put my projects into separate ziplock bags and then into a bigger woolly bag for carry... (must be woolly!!)
Btw, I love that red bed jacket. Can I ask where you got the pattern for it?
it was originally the pea pod baby jacket, free on the interweave knits page. i just ditched the lace panel, made it stripy, made all the trim moss stitch, and picked up too many stitches along the neckline!
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