Saturday, September 03, 2011

TomTom Letterbox

I have a massive crush on the TomTom letterbox by DesignByThem. How I wish our fence accommodated a horizontal letterbox. Because it's stupid vertical railings like a Ye Olde Fashionedy Wrought Iron Pool Fence we need to have a vertical box clipped to the railings.


Jasmine @ 207Young said...

ooh, very cute! I like!!

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Oh that's cute! Sadly we are in an apartment so we can't have any different or unusual :(

Hotly Spiced said...

That's so sweet. With every house we've owned we have always enjoyed installing a letter box that screams our own style.

Kristín Hrund said...

Hi there! I just made a knitting-needle-roll, using your wonderful tutorial! You can take a look here:

Greetings from Iceland