Monday, June 11, 2007

What Do You Eat?

The lovely Muerto de Risa linked to this facinating photo-essay, and it got me curious. How would my weekly shop stack up against everyone elses? I decided to give it a go. The result reminds me of 17th century Dutch still lifes.

For the approximate sum of $80 Australian, or $70USD.

Of course, mine's a little contrived. As a rule of thumb I tried to include things if we bought them once a month or more, or a representative. We don't buy icecream or museli bars weekly, but I do tend to put some kind of sweet junk in the trolley on a weekly basis. We don't buy soy sauce or olive oil weekly, but we do use it weekly. Due to my less than stellar composition skills, you can't really see the kumara (sweet potato) or the half a butternut pumpkin behind the colander of potatoes. The can of tuna is a little hidden by dried beans (psychoanalyse that!). My dirty stash of lollies is cleverly disguised as wholefoods (it's next to the craisins in the lower right hand corner).
I forgot to include Badly Coloured Boy's stash of ham, because I never eat the stuff. And there should be another black plastic tray of roo steak, but we don't have any because the supermarket had run out when we last did the shopping.
I'm a little embarassed by the absence of plain milk, but there you go. Unless I have a specific recipe in mind, BCB and I only get the flavoured stuff. Different varieties of coffee flavour made by the same company, no less. Also a little embarassed by the abundance of cheese. In fact, there was also some feta in the fridge, but as the last shop was even more cheesy than normal, I left it out for the sake of representativeness.
Strangely, I think our groceries (on a meat/ seafood/ fruit/ veg/ bread/ things in packets/ sweet things type breakdown) are most similar to the Kuwaiti family! Or maybe the Germans, actually.

It was an interesting exercise. And I'd like to meme it. The Hungry Planet meme. I have no idea how these things take off, but I want to encourage anyone reading this to stack up the weekly groceries (and a representative of any regular takeaway you buy too, if possible) and photograph them. Be as honest as possible. Then tell everyone else who reads your blog to do the same. Let me know if you try it. I'm curious to see inside your pantry.


Anonymous said...

i love this! i'll do it next week. i have to say, it will be hard to not let the fact that i'll be photographing the food influence what i buy.

marirob said...

Very interesting post! Some weeks my shopping is more interesting than others. Last week all I bought was cereal. Lately, I've been shopping day by day, which drives my husband crazy but it keeps the cooking juices fresh for me. I don't know what I want to eat a week in advance!

I enjoyed seeing what different food items there are in Australia too. At first, I thought the milk cartons said, "Chili" and I thought, "Wow! They really like spicy things."

Elizabeth said...

That was a great photo essay- I want to do this, as soon as I move out of my temporary home in my boyfriend's mom's house...

Michelle said...

cool. our house would have a ridiculous amount of yogurt.

lupinbunny said...

marirob: That's hilarious. It's actually 'Coffee Chill' and 'IC Chill' (IC having a higher caffeine content...)

If you look closely you'll see my tinned goods, cheese and pasta are all 'Coles' brand (different styled packaging though). It's the supermarket's own brand, and not bad for most things.

I LOVE grocery shopping while overseas. It's my favourite thing to do, possibly.

Dy said...

Gotta love those dried cranberries, they are so good! I love em in salad, in muesli, just on their own... any time any place!

knitconvict said...

Hey! I have this book - I'll bring it to the next Stitch n Bitch. So fascinating

BEESTLYproducts said...

how awesome! I really do think everyone should do this. I'll do it next time we shop.

Anonymous said...

I'll have the chance to do this this Saturday!!!! This will be interesting!