Thing is, it's so roomy. It fit a water bottle and a lunch box and an umbrella and two glasses cases and my wallet and my phone and two sets of keys and some other sundry bits and pieces, despite looking no larger than the average bag. It's like a Tardis-Bag. I think it's because it has a base on it that's the size of a small dinner plate.
I figured I'd use it until the end of this year, then carefully unpick it for the pattern.
The other joy of this bag, however, is the pattern. I love it. It actually matches most things I own. It's bright, and it gains attention.
Well looky what I found:

Okay, this one has been sold, but the lovely NeverEnoughHours has others in her etsy shop in other colours. Maybe she will make another in the blue floral? I love the shape of the bag. And the kicker? She lives right in my city! It's like it was meant to be. Okay, I would need to (a) save up/ work a little extra (story of my life); (b) ask her to try and dump the contents of her life into the bag to check it's large enough for me (I think it is); and (c) enquire about a zip (prone to running, throwing bag on ground with gusto, carrying valuable loose in handbag, etc).
But I am very, very excited.
aside, here's what I gave mah mama for mother's day (unrotated, because I'm lazy). Note that the giftwrap from my work matches the complimentary 'thanks mum' sticker issued by head office (without knowing what colour wrap we had) which matches the Lotta Jansdotter notecard that I had in my stationery stash.
Also note my wonderful cloth napkins, which I use as placemats when guests come over.
wow! thopse prints are pretty much the same.... fancy wrapping job. i gave my mum her gift in a Lush bag, amd there wasn't anything from lush in it. oops.
I think the green floral bag is fabulous.
What a perfect replacement for your bag!
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